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Financiamento de Fornecimento

para a Economia Digital

Ao digitalizar o ecossistema de pagamentos B2B, a KEO proporcionou às empresas uma forma contínua e segura de financiar os seus fornecimentos e aumentar a eficiência do seu fluxo de caixa.


Com soluções de financiamento de suprimentos totalmente digitais, as empresas experimentam maior flexibilidade e velocidade nas transações B2B que aceleram o crescimento dos negócios.

Traditional Banking is very
focused on larger companies,
KEO supports SMEs.

Frankie B.

Customer Support

Petróleo e Combustível

Empresa importadora de combustíveis com mais de 30 anos na indústria. O Problema: Devido aos desafios econômicos atuais no setor, a empresa foi solicitada a pagar antecipadamente pela importação de petróleo, o que criou uma interrupção no capital de giro que eles não podiam pagar. A Solução: A KEO ofereceu à empresa uma linha de crédito incremental e prazos estendidos. O Resultado: A empresa tem acesso a melhores preços, estoque e maior poder de compra por meio de pré-pagamentos.

Distribuição Alimentar

Fornecedor atacadista de carne com mais de 150 clientes no setor de hotelaria e restaurantes. O Problema: A empresa não tinha mais acesso a crédito bancário e precisava de capital de giro para aproveitar as oportunidades de compra para expandir seus negócios. A Solução: A KEO forneceu à empresa uma linha de capital de giro rotativo e prazos estendidos. O Resultado: A empresa aumentou suas vendas em 30% e, em troca, pode oferecer a seus clientes 10% de desconto na compra de matérias-primas.

Indústria automobilística

Marca de pneus mais vendida em todo o mundo; marca líder global entre as principais 5 empresas de pneus. O Problema: A empresa mudou sua política interna de risco e não podia permitir que seus clientes comerciais comprassem estoque (pneus) sem ter uma fonte de crédito externa. A Solução: A KEO formou uma parceria com a empresa, financiando as compras de estoque rotativo de seus clientes comerciais. O Resultado: A solução de financiamento da KEO permitiu que seus clientes comerciais comprassem mais estoques com desconto. Aumentando as vendas tanto para a empresa quanto para seus clientes comerciais.

Indústria de Tecnologia

Loja de laptops com mais de 20 anos de experiência na venda de equipamentos de informática das marcas mais reconhecidas. O Problema: O prazo de financiamento concedido pelo seu distribuidor de tecnologia foi inferior ao prazo de cobrança que estenderam aos seus clientes. A Solução: A KEO fez uma parceria com a distribuidora de produtos e serviços de tecnologia, Ingram Micro, para oferecer a seus clientes termos estendidos e soluções financeiras flexíveis para a compra de estoque. O Resultado: A empresa tem acesso a melhores preços, prazos estendidos e maior poder de compra.

Impulsionando negócios nas Américas


Supply Financing
for the Digital Economy

Start Now

By digitizing the B2B payments ecosystem, KEO has given businesses a seamless and secure way to finance their supplies and drive efficiency in their cash flow. With all-digital supply finance solutions, businesses experience increased flexibility and speed in B2B transactions that accelerate business growth.

Supply Financing
for the Digital Economy

By digitizing the B2B payments ecosystem, KEO has given businesses a seamless and secure way to finance their supplies and drive efficiency in their cash flow. 

With all-digital supply finance solutions businesses experience increased flexibility and speed in B2B transactions that accelerate business growth.

A diferença KEO

Migre processos e métodos de pagamento baseados em papel para fluxos de trabalho digitais. Experimente uma maneira aprimorada e mais eficiente de efetuar pagamentos. Experimente a diferença KEO.

KEO World
Empréstimo Tradicional
Ecossistema Digital
Ciclo de pagamentos múltiplos
Carga operacional
Multi Moeda
Finanças Rotativas
Soluções Flexíveis

Oil & Fuel

Import fuel company with more than 30 years in the industry. The Problem: Given current economic challenges in the industry, the company was asked to pre-pay for oil importation, which created a working capital disruption they couldn't afford. The Solution: KEO offered the company an incremental line of credit and extended terms. The Outcome: The company has access to better pricing, inventory, and increased purchasing power through pre-payments.

Food Distribution

Wholesale meat supplier with more than 150 clients in the hospitality and restaurant industry. The Problem: The company no longer had access to bank credit and needed working capital to take advantage of buying opportunities to grow their business. The Solution: KEO provided the company with a revolving working capital line and extended terms. The Outcome: The company increased its sales by 30% and was able to offer their clients a 10% discount on the purchases of raw materials in return.

Automotive Industry

Top-selling tire brand worldwide; leading global brand among the top 5 tire companies. The Problem: The company changed their internal risk policy and could not allow their business clients to purchase inventory (tires) without having an external credit source. The Solution: KEO formed a partnership with the company, financing their business clients' revolving inventory purchases. The Outcome: KEO’s financing solution enabled their business clients to purchase more inventory at a discounted rate. Increasing sales for both the company and their business clients.

Technology Industry

LaptopShop has over 20 years of experience selling computer equipment from the most recognized brands. The Problem The financing period granted by their technology distributor was less than the collection period they extended to their customers. The Solution: KEO partnered with the technology product and service distributor, Ingram Micro, to offer their clients extended terms and flexible finance solutions to purchase inventory. The Outcome: The company has access to better pricing, extended terms, and increased purchasing power.

Powering Businesses Across The Americas

Oil & Fuel

Import fuel company with more than 30 years in the industry. The Problem: Given current economic challenges in the industry, the company was asked to pre-pay for oil importation, which created a working capital disruption they couldn't afford. The Solution: KEO offered the company an incremental line of credit and extended terms. The Outcome: The company has access to better pricing, inventory, and increased purchasing power through pre-payments.

Food Distribution

Wholesale meat supplier with more than 150 clients in the hospitality and restaurant industry. The Problem: The company no longer had access to bank credit and needed working capital to take advantage of buying opportunities to grow their business. The Solution: KEO provided the company with a revolving working capital line and extended terms. The Outcome: The company increased its sales by 30% and was able to offer their clients a 10% discount on the purchases of raw materials in return.

Automotive Industry

Top-selling tire brand worldwide; leading global brand among the top 5 tire companies. The Problem: The company changed their internal risk policy and could not allow their business clients to purchase inventory (tires) without having an external credit source. The Solution: KEO formed a partnership with the company, financing their business clients' revolving inventory purchases. The Outcome: KEO’s financing solution enabled their business clients to purchase more inventory at a discounted rate. Increasing sales for both the company and their business clients.

Technology Industry

LaptopShop with more than 20 years of experience selling computer equipment from the most recognized brands. The Problem The financing period granted by their technology distributor was less than the collection period they extended to their customers. The Solution: KEO partnered with the technology product and service distributor, Ingram Micro, to offer their clients extended terms and flexible finance solutions to purchase inventory. The Outcome: The company has access to better pricing, extended terms, and increased purchasing power.

Powering Businesses Across The Americas


Como visto em

The KEO Difference


Move paper-based processes and payments methods to digital workflows. Experience an enhanced and more efficient way to make payments.

Experience the KEO difference.

Invoice Factoring
KEO World
Traditional Lending
Digital ecosystem
Multi-payment cycle
Operational burden
Revolving finace
Flexible solutions

As seen in

Traditional Banking is veryfocused on larger companies,
KEO supports SMEs.

Frankie B.

Customer Support

As seen in

Traditional Banking is very
focused on larger companies,
KEO supports SMEs.

Frankie B.

Customer Support

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